Poker Hands Ranked: From Highest to Lowest
Discover poker hands ranked from best to worst. Learn what hands beat what in poker, with charts and tips to enhance your strategy and gameplay.
Royal Flush
The Royal Flush is the best hand in poker. It consists of five consecutive cards of the same suit, from 10 to Ace (A-K-Q-J-10). This hand beats every other hand in poker.
Straight flush
A Straight Flush is any five consecutive cards of the same suit, such as 9-8-7-6-5 of diamonds. The only hands that beat a straight flush are a higher straight flush or a royal flush.
Four of a Kind
Four of a Kind, or quads, is four cards of the same rank, like 7-7-7-7-4. This hand is beaten only by a straight flush or higher.
Full house
A Full House combines three of a kind and a pair, such as 10-10-10-8-8. It beats a flush but loses to four of a kind.
A Flush consists of five cards of the same suit, not in sequence, like A-K-8-7-3 of hearts. It beats a straight but loses to a full house.
Five cards of consecutive numerical value composed of more than one suit. An ace can normally rank as low (below a 2) or high (above a king) but not at the same time in one hand.
Three of a kind
A poker hand containing three cards of the same rank in three different suits. The two highest available cards besides the three of a kind complete the hand.
Two pair
Two different sets of two cards of matching rank. The highest-ranked left available card completes the hand.
A pair of cards of the same rank in different suits. The remainder of the hand is formed from the three highest-ranked cards available.
High card
The lowest-ranked hand available. The highest card in the hand is your ‘best hand’. In this case it's the king of spades.
Poker hand-rankings cheat sheet:
Our poker hands ranking cheat sheet is a great aid to help you commit the poker hand rankings to memory and will serve you well whether you are playing

Poker Hands FAQ
In poker, the hands are ranked from highest to lowest as follows: Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card.
In poker, the hands you should consider playing include strong starting hands like pairs (especially high pairs), high suited connectors, and high cards of the same suit.
In poker, hands beat each other in the following order: Royal Flush > Straight Flush > Four of a Kind > Full House > Flush > Straight > Three of a Kind > Two Pair > One Pair > High Card.
To play poker hands effectively, learn the hand rankings, understand the betting rules, pay attention to position, read opponents, and practice good bankroll management.
Poker hands are ranked based on the rarity and difficulty of achieving them, with Royal Flush being the highest and High Card being the lowest.